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The Brian Schweiker Group Welcomes You
You are in the right place. We are the right people.
Interested in buying, selling or building a home? Our real estate team offers priceless market knowledge and expertise to protect your largest investment, while checking all the boxes with your must-haves. Allow us to walk alongside you through your biggest life changes and journeys – whether exciting or uncertain. We are passionate about real estate and the relationship with you. Ranking the best in our area, rest assured we will get the job done efficiently and effectively. Your best interest is our priority. Always.
Do not hesitate to reach out to us. It does not matter what phase of life or how financially fit you are. We meet you where you are. What moves you. Moves us. Whether you are looking to rent, 1st time buyer, moving up or down, building a dream home, luxury homes, looking for ranch land, waterfront property, downtown urban lofts, job relocation, or seeking to sell/buy commercial properties – we have tremendous experience in all areas. Our team and full-service staff is top-notch and are looking forward to visiting with you soon.

Why Choose Us?

Our team will lead you to the best decision for your family, while helping your dreams of
a new home come to fruition. There are many things to consider, from what community
best suits your lifestyle, to resale ability. You do not need to navigate this alone, rely on
our expert knowledge to guide you.

We know the right questions to ask, and the value of listening with both ears to better
zone in on your unique wants and needs. Being able to read between the lines, helps
our team fill in any unknown blanks, allowing us to more accurately guide you to best
set of compromises for your family.

Brian Schweiker has nearly 30 years experience in real estate, with his team adding
many more. We have done the hard work, know what to look for and what to avoid. Our
ability to effectively price, market and sell your home is priceless. Having protection
through the legal/financial terrain gives you peace of mind.

Our team is passionate about real estate, as well as the people. To build lasting
relationships, we understand it must be based on our clients knowing we have their best
interest as our primary focus. The trust our clients put in our hands is something we do
not take for granted, and are unwilling to compromise.
Find out the value of your home. Get a free estimate of it’s market value with no obligation.
Discover Our Featured Communities
The Woodlands
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North Houston
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River Oaks
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Inner Loop
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The Heights
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West University
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Sugar Land
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Rural (Land/Lots)
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